Scientific Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a scientific based system of medicine based on specific laws and principles.

So homeopathy can also be called as scientific homeopathy.

*Homeopathic medicines are prepared by the methods of potentization by dilution and succussion which is based in on the “law of infinitesimals”. (This law states that when drugs are diluted either in water or alcohol, they actually increase in therapeutic potency).

*Homeopathic medicines are always proved under carefully controlled clinical trials.

Cardinal Laws and Fundamental Principles

Every science has certain basic guiding principles. Homeopathic medicine is medical science and its therapeutics is based on certain fundamental principles which are quite different from those of other schools of medical science. There are seven cardinal laws in Homeopathy:

-Law of Similia

-Law of Simplex

-Law of Minimum Dose

-The doctrine of Drug Proving (testing)

-The doctrine of Acute and Chronic Disease

-The doctrine of Drug Dynamisation

-The doctrine of Vital Force

Hering’s Law of Cure:-

In the Homeopathic Treatment, the real and permanent cure takes place in the following order:

a)From above downwards

b) from within outwards

c) from more vital organs to less vital organs

d) in the reverse order of the onset of symptoms.

Doctrine of Individualisation

The doctrine of less Repetition

Discovery disease of miasm or Disease

Dr. Hahnemann described the origin and cause of the disease. According to him, the major cause of the disease is miasm that is psora, syphilis, and sycosis. Dr. Hahemann described the different aspects of diseases.

1) Acute disease

2) Chronic disease

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SCO 263, Sector 32-D,
Near Nirman Cinema,
Chandigarh 160030

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Please Note: While the amount is decided only after talking to the patient over the phone/email. The case history along with all signs & symptoms are taken and the severity of the disease is also taken into account. 

The base charges for a patient is ₹2000.00 per month.