Constipation/Irritable Bowel

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What is Constipation? Is it the same as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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What is constipation?

Constipation is defined as unsatisfactory or infrequent stool less than three times a week which is difficult to pass. It is a common gastrointestinal problem which is presented by the hard stool, abdominal bloating, pain in abdomen and rectum. It is usually caused by the poor lifestyle and poor dietary habits. Simple lifestyle changes, exercise, drinking lots of fluids, adding high fiber to diet can help in treating constipation and sometime over-the-counter laxatives helps in improving the conditions.

Poor diet and lifestyle is the major cause of constipation?

• Poor dietary habit, low fiber diet

• Poor lifestyle

• Not taking enough fluids which leads to dehydration

• Lack of physical activity

• Change in routine like travelling, illness or eating habit changes

• Frequently ignoring bowel urge

• Abuse of laxatives

• Prolong standing disease like Irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal obstruction etc.

• Stress
• Depression
• Hypothyroidism
• Pregnancy
• Aging
• certain medicines like iron supplements, painkillers etc

What are the symptoms of being constipated?

• Long straining before and during bowel movement

• Hard stool

• Thin, pencil-like stools

• Constipation alternating with diarrhea

• Difficulty in passing stool

• Less than three bowel movements in a week

• Abdominal bloating

• Cramps in abdomen

• Nausea/vomiting
• Pain in rectum

• Sensation of incomplete emptying of rectum

• Fatigue and lethargy

• A headache

• Weight gain or unexpected weight loss

• Body odor and bad breath

• Depression
• Loss of appetite

• Colon cancer

• Mental health disorders

• Nervous system disorders

What helps constipation fast?

• Dietary changes

• Regular exercise

• Fluid therapy

• Fiber supplements

• Stool softeners

• Saline laxatives

• Surgical procedure is recommended in very chronic cases of constipation

How diet management helpful in treating constipation?

 Yoga and meditation helps
• Eat a well balanced high fiber diet
• Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol
• Avoid processed and junk food
• Drink lots of water
• Don’t ignore bowel urge
• Avoid frequent use of laxatives
• Drink cup of prune juice or apricot juice daily
• Lemon, honey, guava and grapes help facilitate easy digestion and defecation
• Don’t use enema without doctors advice

What are the homeopathic indications for constipation?

• Alumina:

• Bryonia alba:

• Graphites:

• Nux vomica:

• Silicea terra:

For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.


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Please Note: While the amount is decided only after talking to the patient over the phone/email. The case history along with all signs & symptoms are taken and the severity of the disease is also taken into account. 

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