Healthy Diet

A healthy diet keeps your overall health in a good condition. Important nutrients are provided by healthy diet that is essential to maintain your health. Healthy diet can be obtained from variety of plant based and animal based foods. Healthy diet also reduces the risk of various diseases like heart diseases, obesity, diabetes, etc.

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A diet low in fat, sugar and salt and rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins is considered a healthy diet. Following is the list of important constituent of food that must be there to make it healthy.

• Fruits and vegetables: you should eat a fruit in a day as fruits are rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Green vegetables also give you enough fiber, vitamins and minerals.

• Carbohydrate that is present in starchy food is responsible for slow energy release in blood stream. Bread, cereals, rice, pasta and chapatti are rich source of carbohydrate.

• Milk and other dairy products are very good source of protein and calcium.

• Red meat provides you more iron and is rich source of fat as compared to chicken and fish.

• Eggs, fish, meat, pulses and beans contains high amount of protein.

So now you know that maintaining healthy eating habit is not that tough, all you need to do is to eat everything. Besides the list given above take care while consuming packaged food as they have high content of preservatives, sugar. Limit the intake of preserved foods, alcohol, and refined food. Stay healthy.

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