Prune Belly Syndrome/Triad Syndrome

prune belly syndrome

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Prune Belly Syndrome? Triad Syndrome? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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What is Prune Belly Syndrome?

Prune belly syndrome also known as Eagle Barette syndrome .

It is rare, genetic birth defect in which 97% of affected patients are males .

Prune belly syndrome is a group of birth defects involving the following:-

• Poor development of the abdominal muscles, causing the skin of the belly area to wrinkle like a prune it could be ( complete /partial lack of abdominal muscles )

• Undescended testicles (absence of one or both testes from scrotum)

• Urinary tract problems such as distended bladder , unusually large uterus , back flow of urine.

Which age group, sex and race is affected ?

Males are more prone to get affected by prune belly syndrome than females.

Twins are more affected by prune belly syndrome.

Individuals of any race can be affected.

The exact cause is unknown. The condition affects mostly boys.

While in the womb, the developing baby’s abdomen swells with fluid.

The fluid disappears after birth which leads to a wrinkled abdomen that looks like a prune. The appearance is more prominent and noticeable due to the lack of abdominal muscles.

What are the causes of Prune Belly Syndrome?

Weak abdominal muscles can cause:

• “Little Buddha” appearance

• Constipation

• Delay in sitting and walking

• Difficulties whilecoughing

• Difficult micturation.

What are the Investigations ?

Ultrasound:-In some cases, a pregnancy ultrasound may also help determine if the baby has:

• Heart problems

• Bone/muscle (musculoskeletal) abnormalities

• Stomach and intestinal problems

• Underdeveloped lungs

The following tests may be performed on the baby after birth to diagnose the condition:

• Blood tests

• IVP ( intravenous pyelogram )

• X-ray

What treatment is suggestive for prune belly syndrome?

• Antibiotics

• surgery if done during early stage.

What is the prognosis of Prune Belly Syndrome?

Prune belly syndrome is a fatal condition.

What are the complications of prune Belly syndrome?

•Undescended testis.

•Abdominal wall reconstruction troubles

•Ureteral strictures are common in tapered reimplants of ureters in cases with prune belly syndrome.

What are the deferential Diagnosis of Prune Belly Syndrome?

•Urethral cyst

•Ureteropelvic junction obstruction

•Posterior urethral valve syndrome

•Posterior urethral valve syndrome

•Bladder atrophy


•Megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome

What Homeopathic treatment is suggestive of treatment?

Every branch of science has its own scope and limitations, so does Homeopathy.

Homeopathy is good for curing & controlling auto-immune disorders, male & female disorders, children and elderly people.

The scope of Homeopathy is limited in such cases.

For more information, you can visit NIH and NORD.

Prune Belly Syndrome

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