Pre-eclampsia /Toxemia /Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

pre eclampsia

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Preeclampsia? Toxemia? Pregnancy Induced Hypertension? What is this? What causes this problem? Is it curable? What are the signs and symptoms? How can homeopathy help you? All of this and more answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

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What is pre eclampsia?

-Pre eclampsia occurs during pregnancy.

It is defined as the high blood pressure, protein in urine after the 20th week i.e. late 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

-The more sever pre eclampsia is, the greater the risk of serious complication to both mother and baby.

-Mainly pre eclampsia develops during second half of the pregnancy.

What causes pre eclampsia?

-Autoimmune disorder

-Blood vessel problems

-Poor nutrition


-First pregnancy

-Twins/ multiple pregnancy


-Being older then 35years of age or less than 20 years of age.

-History of blood clotting disorders, diabetes

-Kidney diseases or an autoimmune disease

-Insufficient blood flow to the uterus

-Vitamin D insufficiency

-High levels of certain proteins

Who is at high risk for preeclampsia?

The main risk factors for preeclampsia are:

-Previous history of preeclampsia.

-Multiple pregnancies (i.e., pregnant with more than one baby)

-Patient having history of high blood pressure.

-Diabetes patient.

-Patient having any kidney disease

What are the sign and symptoms of this?

• High blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm/hg)

• Rapid weight gain

• Change in reflexes

• Dizziness

• Swelling of the hands and face/eyes (oedema)

• Sudden weight gain, 2 pounds a week

• Headache that does not go away

• Irritability

• Decreased urine output, not urinating very often

• Nausea and vomiting

• Blurred or altered vision

• Abdominal or shoulder pain

• Confusion

• Shortness of breath

How does pre eclampsia affect the unborn baby?

This condition impair kidney and liver function, and cause blood clotting problems, pulmonary edema (fluid on the lungs), seizures. And in some cases the, maternal and infant death. 

It is also affects the blood flow to the placenta, often leading to smaller or prematurely born babies.

Is pre eclampsia common?

-Yes, now a days this condition is commonly observed.

-And it is the most common complication that occur during pregnancy period.

-It is mainly develops during the third trimester of pregnancy and affects about 1 in 20 pregnancies.

Can pre eclampsia cause stillbirth?

-Yes in some cases the pre eclampsia causes stillbirth.

-In placental probles like placental abruption, or a pregnancy-related form of high blood pressure called preeclampsia or pregnancy induced hypertension, have twice the risk of abruption or stillbirth as unaffected women. Sometimes low level of oxygen and nutrients can causes baby’s death.

How to investigate?

-Complete case history of the patient.

-Physical examination of the patient.

-Measure blood pressure (higher 140/90 mm/hg)

-Weight measure for minimum of 3weeks

-Ultrasound scan

-Doppler scans


-Liver enzymes

-Platelets count

-Blood clot test

-Monitor baby health (fetal ultrasound)

-Non-stress test

What are the complications?

-Low birthweight babies.

-Bleeding problems

-In some cases the premature separation of the placenta from the uterus before the baby is born.

-Rupture of the liver


-Stroke (cerebral haemorrhage)

-Patient also experiences HELLP syndrome ( hemolysis with nausea, vomiting, headache and upper right abdominal pain )


-Cardiovascular disease

-Death in very rare cases


-Pulmonary oedema

What is the prognosis of pre eclampsia?

-Prognosis of pre eclampsia is bad.And it can be to fatal results.

-Hence it is always advisable to prevent and monitor the blood pressure of the patient.

How to manage the case of pre eclampsia?

• Adequate bed rest

 Try mild yoga and reduce activities

 Drink plenty of water

 Low sodium intake

 Avoid transfatty acids and saturated fats

• Quit smoking and alcohol

• Close monitoring of the mother and baby.

• Low activities during pregnancy

• Regular monitoring of the baby

• Sufficient vitamin D

• Cesarean section

• Fetal kick count also helps in monitoring babies activities

• Magnesium sulphate treatment act as anticonvulsant.

Can homeopathy help in this case?

Yes, homeopathy can help in pre eclampsia cases.And severity of the case is depend upon the patient to patient and their history.Some homeopathic medicines are:

-Natrium muriaticum


-Thlaspi bursa pastoris

-Terebinthinae oleum

-Plumbum metallicum

For more information, you can visit and Wikipedia.


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Please Note: While the amount is decided only after talking to the patient over the phone/email. The case history along with all signs & symptoms are taken and the severity of the disease is also taken into account. 

The base charges for a patient is ₹2000.00 per month.