
What is Frost bite? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

frost bite

What is frost bite?

Injury which results from freezing of the tissues in the body is called frostbite. Commonly affected parts are hands and feet followed by nose, ears and shins.

This condition occurs when the skin is exposed to extremely cold temperature.

Commonly found in?

People living in tropical climate are at more risk.

Age / sex?

Higher incidences are in males. Commonly affected age group is 30-50 years.

What are the causes of frostbite?

Exposure of body part to cold environment for prolonged period is the major reason for occurrence of frostbite.

Frostbite occurs when skin and underlying tissues freeze but can also be caused by direct contact with ice, frozen metal or very cold liquids.

Following are the risk factors:

-Taking medicines called beta-blockers.



-Having Raynaud’s Disease.

What are the signs of frost bite?

-Pricking sensation and numbness in the affected part.

-Aching or throbbing of the affected area.

-Affected skin feels unusually firm or waxy.

-Hard, pale, and cold skin of the affected part.

-Blister formation.

What are the long-term effects of frostbite?

Some people may left with permanent problems after frostbite, such as increased sensitivity to cold, munbness, stiffness and the pain of the affected area. Therefore, no permanent treatment is there to treat the sensitivity.

Why does Frostbite lead to amputation?

Severe frostbite can result in permanent nerve damage which results in gangrene (it is a dead tissue that often turns black or green), therefore amputation is the only solution to prevent the gangrene from spreading.

What are the investigations for frostbite?

-General examination

-complete case history

What is the treatment for frostbite?

-Narcotic pain killers.

-IV fluids in the case of dehydration.

-Tetanus booster is given if required.

-Ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.

What diet and management to be followed for frostbite?

-As soon as possible get into a warm room.

-Avoid walking on affected feet or toes.

-Do not massage the affected area.

-Don’t use a heating pads or radiator for warming of the affected areas because numbness of the affected areas are more liable to get burnt.

-Immerse the affected area in warm water.

-If warm water is not available, try to warm the affected area using body heat.

What are the complications of frostbite?

-Permanent numbness of the affected area.

-Frostbite arthritis because of the change in the cartilage between the joint.



Homeopathic treatment for frostbite

-Agaricus muscarius

-Carbo animalis

-Hepar sulphur

-Lachesis mutus

-Nitricum acidum

For more information, you can visit Wikipedia and eMedicine.

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