
What is Depression? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is Depression?

Depression is a chronic mood disorder.

In this condition the:

feelings of sadness,

loss of motive,



Is depression considered as just a sadness?

The depression disorder is a group of symptoms.

These symptoms reflect a sad and irritable mood which causes grief or sadness.

Is there any type of depression?

Depressive disorders are mood disorders of different types.

Within each of the following types, there are variations in the number, severity, timing, and persistence of symptoms.

• Major depression 

Symptoms of major depression last for at least two weeks, along with sad and/or irritable mood that interferes with the ability to work, sleep, eat, etc.

• Dysthymia 

It is a less severe type but sometimes this type of depression more long-lasting as compared to major depression.

This type does not produce disability but prevents the affected person from feeling good.

• Bipolar disorder (manic depression) 

This type of depression involves one episode of mania.

This type of disorder is chronic and recurring.

The person can experience any or all the symptoms of the depressive disorder.

What Are the Reasons For Depression?

The exact cause is unknown. Researchers believe that depression is caused by certain biochemical changes in the brain due to a genetic trait, or triggered by some stressful events.

Some types of depression have a familial tendency.

Other than genetic predisposition, the following may play a role in depression:

• Alcohol or drug abuse

• Some medical conditions, such as hormonal disorders:



stroke or Parkinson’s disease

• Some medicines such as steroids

• Sleeping problems

• Stressful life events, such as Difficult relationship, failing a class, death or illness of someone close, divorce, childhood abuse or neglect, financial problem, social isolation, etc.

What are the sign and symptoms of depression ?

• Persistent sad, anxious mood

• Unexplained and frequent crying spells

• Agitation, restlessness, anger, and irritability

• Changes in appetite, often with weight loss or gain

• Lack of concentration

• Loss of energy

• Self-loathing, feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt and pessimism

• Becomes socially withdrawn

• Loss of interest in daily activities

• Suicidal thoughts

• Trouble sleeping or oversleeping

Depressed men:

As compared to women, men complain about fatigue, irritability, sleep problems, and loss of interest in work and hobbies.

Other signs and symptoms in men include anger, aggression, violence, reckless behavior, and substance abuse.

Depressed women:

As compared to men, women develop depression at an early age and episodes recur more often. Women experience anxiety, dependent disorder, and an eating disorder.

Depressed teenagers:

Teenagers lose interest in activities they liked before, experience weight changes, substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

Depressed children:

They tend to show sadness in behavior, physical complaints, irritability or anxiety.

What are the Homeopathic Medicines for Depression?

Homeopathy medicines having good results in the case of depression. It helps symptomatically in depression cases. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help in this case. These are:

Arsenicum album

Aurum metallicum


Ignatia Amara

Natrum muriaticum


Can Changing Lifestyle May Help to Reduce Stress?


• Consuming pistachios, walnuts and almonds are helpful in lowering cholesterol and protect against stress.

• Almonds are also useful in managing stress.

• Consume proteins a rich diet in breakfast.

• Drink Green tea, it is the best antioxidant and stress buster.

• Drink a lot and lots of water.

Regularize your daily activities:

• Meditation, yoga, deep breathing helps a lot to recover fast.

• Back counting helps to divert focus.

• Writing down your thoughts /worries.

• Move to park feel open air and deep breathing in the open air helps to relax and calm your mind.

• Listen to your favorite music.


• Think positive

• Go for a spa.

• Wear a bright color that elevated your mood.

• Take a refreshing sleep.

For more information, you can visit and MayoClinic.

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Please Note: While the amount is decided only after talking to the patient over the phone/email. The case history along with all signs & symptoms are taken and the severity of the disease is also taken into account. 

The base charges for a patient is ₹2000.00 per month.