Cystocele ( Bladder Prolapse )

What is Cystocele or Bladder Prolapse? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

What is cystocele?

A cystocele occurs when the bladder bulges into the vagina. Cystocele mainly occurs when the pelvic organs muscles are strained in case of chronic constipation, violent coughing, heavy lifting. Now, this dropping of the bladder causes unwanted urinary leakage and incomplete bladder emptying.

Menopause women estrogen levels fall down which result in weakening of bladder and vaginal muscles.

Grade 1 mild cystocele –when the women’s bladder hangs only a little into the vagina.

Grade 2 severe cystocele –in this the bladder reaches into the vaginal opening

Grade 3 advanced cystocele –in this the bladder bulges out through the vaginal opening

What are the reasons behind the occurrence of a cystocele?

Pelvic floor muscles are composed of muscles, tissue, and ligaments supporting the bladder and pelvic organs. Due to trauma from childbirth, the connective tissue gets weaken with time and the bladder can slip down into the vagina.

Other causes –

-Pregnancy and vaginal childbirth

-Being overweight or obese

-Repeated heavy lifting

-Straining with bowel movements

-A chronic cough or bronchitis

-Bladder infections

-Pain during sexual intercourse

What are the sign and symptoms of a cystocele?

-Fullness or pressure in pelvis and vagina

-Discomfort while coughing

-Incomplete emptying of the bladder

-Repeated bladder infections

-Urinary leakage

Risk factors-


-Aging –a risk of cystocele increases with age


-maybe Genetical

Will Kegels help a Cystocele?

Yes, Kegel exercise helps a cystocele as this exercise involve tightening and relaxing of the muscles that support pelvic organs.

Is prolapse dangerous?

Prolapse is not dangerous but it can be uncomfortable as there is bulging at the opening of the vagina. Sometimes prolapse may lead to constipation.

How to detect the presence of cystocele?

-Complete pelvic examination

-Bladder and urine test

-Cystourethrogram –a test involving X-ray of the bladder

Treatment for cystocele?


How to manage cystocele?

-Kegel exercise helps in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

-Avoid constipation by consuming a lot of fiber-rich food

-Avoid exercises which put a strain on pelvic floor muscles.

-Avoid smoking

-Avoid straining and heavy lifting.

For more information, you can visit WebMD and NIDDK.

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Cystocele ( Bladder Prolapse )

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