
What is Bursitis? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is bursitis?

Bursae is a fluid filled sac. Inflammation of this fluid filled sac is called bursitis. Joints that are involved in repetitive movements are commonly affected with inflammation.

Most commonly affected joints are shoulder, elbow and hip. But it can affect knee, heel and the base of big toe also.

What is the Classification:

• Subacromial or Subdeltoid Bursitis:

Inflammation involves bursae in the arm due to its repetitive movement is called subacromial or subdeltoid bursitis.

• Olecranon or Elbow Bursitis:

Inflammation of bursae near the elbow is called olecranon or elbow bursitis.

• Trochanteric or Hip-Bursitis:

Inflammation of bursa in hip is called hip bursitis. It occurs as a result of excessive running. There is intermittent pain over lateral hip.

• Ischial Bursitis:

The pain radiate down the back side of the thigh. Inflammation occurs due to trauma,

sitting for long period of time.

• Housemaid’s knee or Prepatellar or Kneecap Bursitis:

Inflammation results from the constant movement of the knee that causes friction between knee cap and skin.

• Infrapatellar Bursitis:

Kneeling in upright position frequently for long time results in infrapatellar bursitis.

• Anserine or Knee Bursitis:

Obese patient with osteoarthritis is prone to develop this disease. Pain is felt in the middle part of the knee that radiates to inner thigh and calf.

• Calcaneal Bursitis:

Poor fitting shoes results in inflammation of bursae.

Friction occurs as a result of repetitive movement of a joint and causes inflammation of bursae e.g. pressure develops on hip joint because of sitting in one position for long period of time, lifting heavy object overhead repetitively causes inflammation of shoulder joint bursae, kneeling frequently and for a long time causes inflammation of knee joint bursae.

What are the symptoms of Bursitis?

• Joint pain.

• Tenderness around the joint on pressure.

• Stiffness.
• Swollen joint.

How do you get affected Bursitis?

An injury can irritate the tissue inside the bursa and cause inflammation. Bursitis caused by an injury usually takes some time to develop or due to overuse of the joints, tendons, or muscles near the bursa may have been overused. Mostly, injury is caused by repetitive movements.

What happens if you leave bursitis untreated?

If bursitis left untreated can result into calcium deposits (calcificbursitis) in the soft tissues, resulting in permanent loss of movement to that area.

Is the condition bursitis serious?

Septic Bursitis is Serious Side of Bursitis and it is common cause of joint pain, which occurs when the thin protective sac that covers a joint—the bursa— becomes inflamed. However, 1 in 5 cases of bursitis become infected, which is a serious condition that requires prompt medical attention.

How is Bursitis managed?

Conservative measurement such as Rest, applying ice and pain relievers are helpful in mold cases.

If conservative treatment does not provide relief:

• Physical therapy or exercise strengthens the muscles in the affected area.

• Rarely surgery is done to drain bursitis.


• Vitamin C, flavonoids and omega 3 fatty acids rich food help relieving inflammation.

• Keep yourself well hydrated.

What are the commonly indicated Bursitis medicines?

Arsenicum album

Sticta pulmonaria




Apis mellifica

For more information, you can visit MayoClinic and WebMD.

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