
What is Backache? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is backache?

Backache (back pain) is defined as pain which is felt in the upper, middle and lower back. Back pain is a common complaint in adults.

Back pain may be associated with the lumbar spine, disc between vertebrae, ligaments around the spine, lower back muscles, abdominal and pelvic organs.

Age/sex prevalence of backache?

Backache affects both men and women equally. It occurs most frequently occurs in people aged between 30-50 years.

What are the causes which induces backache?

Causes includes:

-Osteoarthritis: the joints of the backbones undergo degeneration.

-Herniated Discs (disc prolapsed): any heavy strain or increased pressure in the back can displace the discs which act as shock absorbers for the back bones.

-Injuries and fractures of the vertebrae: conditions that causes nerve, bone or tissue injury can cause back pain -vehicular accidents, fall from a bike or fall on the back compressing the structures in the back which leads to backache.

-Compression of the spinal cord (stenosis):

-Deformities: often the backbone curvature is damaged secondary to other diseases like scoliosis or kyphosis which usually tend to deviate the alignment of the spine.

-Occupational: long hours of standing, lifting heavy weights or sitting in a wrong position.

Risk factors – 

-Trauma: unusual lifting




-General poor health

-Faulty structure of feet

-Stress , anxiety , depression

How we came to know that back pain is serious?

If a person experiencing pain that shoots down into your leg especially when pain radiates down from the lumbar region to the foot. This may be serious as it may indicate herniated disc or compression of the disc etc.

Is walking good for lower back pain?

Walking lessens the pain, hastens the healing, boost strength, increase flexibility, and, in the long run, prevent recurrence of backache. Therefore, walking can reduce back pain.

How to detect backache?

-Physical examination –duration of pain, any fever or weight loss.

-Palpation. any outward signs of trauma like broken bones, brazed skin etc. Doctor will assess reflexes, joint stability, and flexibility of the muscles around the joints.

-Gait: Check the way you walk.

-Straight leg test: to check sciatica pain.

-A complete blood count (CBC)

-Radiographic evaluation

-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)/Computed Tomographic Scanning (CT )

-Bone scanning

What are the risk factors for backache?

-Pelvic inflammatory disease

Acute appendicitis

Ectopic pregnancy

Renal calculi

-Urinary tract infection

What is the treatment for backache?

Painkillers: Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

Physiotherapy: exercises for improving posture and muscle tone.

What are the homeopathic medicines which helps in treating the backache?

-aescuus hippocastanum




-kalium carbonicum

-rhus toxicodendron

Diet and management of backache?

-Avoid bending while lifting.During lifting heavy objects keep your knees bent.

-Keep spine erect and straight

-Avoid twisting of body

-Do not remain seated for long hours.

-Avoid wearing high heeled footwear

-Exercise daily

-Maintaines proper body weight as obesity leads to backache.

-Have foods rich in calcium, Vitamin D, phosphorus and proteins as these nutrients helps in building and repairing bones and muscles.

-Quit smoking as it contributes to osteoporosis.

-Avoid stress

-Avoiding long hour standing

-Avoid slouch while sitting.

For more information, you can visit MedScape and WebMD.

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