Autism / Pervasive Development Disorder

What is Autism? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is autism?

Autism is a neurological developmental disorder. Normal brain function is affected in Autism that is characterized by the weak development of social interaction, behavior, and communication.

Social interaction is a normal part of the development of humans, but the autistic individual is lacking in the ability to interact. This lack of ability is so severe that bond between mother and child is affected. The way in which autistic individual shows affection and bonding are different as others do.

Abnormal behavior pattern includes poor eye contact, abnormal body postures, and facial expressions. There may be little or lack of interest in activities. They are poor in making relationships and remain isolated. In most severe cases they remain unaware of the presence of other persons around.

Communication: An autistic individual has severe impairment of communication. Their ability to understand and express is delayed or does not exist. An autistic individual may speak but they have a marked inability to participate or initiate two-way conversation. Their speech is monotonous as they lack emotions. Autistic individual repeats words or half phrases that are spoken to them without understanding them. This is called echolalia. They can memorize the songs, stories etc. without exactly understanding the content.

Behavior: Different autistic individuals react to external stimulus differently, some are extremely intolerant to loud noises while others are intolerant to crowds. They are sensitive to any particular thing. They react vigorously in situations that appear unusual to them, they scream, scratch, and bang their head. They usually touch the person or any object to just feel. An autistic individual is tied in a fixed routine. Any break in the routine makes them react severely. On disrupting, there is uncontrolled outburst or direct physical attack.

Autism varies from mild to severe form. The affected individual has a great intellectual disability. Its cause remains unknown.

Who are prone to autism / pervasive development disorder?

Most of the affected children are presented with language problems in 2-3 years. Boys are affected more often than girls.

What are the causes for autism?

-The exact etiology is unknown.

-There may be the genetic factor.

-Environmental, immunologic, and metabolic factors are also one of the factors in disease development.

-Exposures to toxins, chemicals, poisons, and other substances have been hypothesized to cause autism. The exposure to pesticides and phthalates during pregnancy increases the risk of the occurrence of autism spectrum disorders and related disorders.

-It may be a result of sensitivity to the vaccine.

-Families who have one child with autism, the risk of having another autistic child are 3% to 8%. Risk of developing autism increases if the first-degree relative has autism.

-Maternal rubella is associated with autism and other conditions in children.

Must Read: Identify Autism in your Child by Observing these Symptoms!

What are the signs which appear in children due to autism?

-The autistic child does not respond to his or her name.

-Lacking Social interaction.

-The child has delayed learning to speak.

-Acts ignorant at times. Appears not to hear you.

-Least bothered by others feelings.

-Do not make friends prefer to play alone.

-There is no apparent fear of dangerous situations.

-Becomes disturbed with slightest change in their routines.

-Lacking Social Interaction.

-Resists cuddling and holding

-May repeat words or phrases and repetitive behavior.

-Uses abnormal tone or rhythm during the speech.

-Lack of communication.

-Oversensitive to light, sound, and touch and yet oblivious to pain.

-Some children with autism may develop seizures and can be resistant to treatment.

-Aggressive behavior, or maybe self-injurious.

How to diagnose autism?

-Diagnosis is based on behavior.

-Developmental history and physical examination of the child.

-A child will often have genetic testing (looking for chromosome abnormalities) and may have metabolic testing.

-Child’s evaluation –Communication, Language, Motor skills, Speech.


-Elevations of whole blood serotonin occur in one-third of patients.

Must Read: Can Homeopathic Medicines Help In Case Of Autism!

When do children usually show symptoms of autism?

-Problems with eye contact.

-No response to his or her name.

-Poor skills in pretend play and imitation.

-Problems with nonverbal communication.

What are the behaviors of autism?

Restricted and repetitive behaviors vary across the autism spectrum. They include: Repetitive body movements like rocking, moving up & down(flapping), turning round & around(spinning), running back and forth. Repetitive motions with objects (e.g. spinning wheels, shaking sticks, flipping levers)

What is the treatment for autism?

-Visual aids are often helpful.

-Applied behavior analysis (ABA). This therapy can be effective in some cases. It is specially designed for younger autistic children. Its main focus is to get the child close to normal developmental functioning.


-Occupational therapy.

-Physical therapy.

-Speech-language therapy.

Complications of autism?

-Mental retardation.

-Fragile X syndrome.

-Some people with autism develops seizures.

Homeopathic treatment for autism?

Homeopathy treats symptomatically, so the medicines are:

-Agraphis nutans

-Kali bromatum



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For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.


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