Aphthous Ulcer

What are Aphthous Ulcers? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

aphthous ulcers

What are aphthous ulcers?

Aphthous ulcers are also called canker sores which are very painful sores. Formation of aphthous ulcers occurs on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Bacteria or viruses are responsible for causing aphthous ulcer.

What are the factors that triggers apthous ulcer?

The exact cause of aphthous ulceration is unknown. Risk factors are:

• Weak immune system.

• Vitamin B12, zinc, folic acid and iron deficiency.

• Acidic food.

• Smokers after withdrawal of smoking usually get mouth ulcers.

• Any kind of trauma in the mouth, such as biting the tongue.

• In most cases, there is the development of ulcers without any


• Painful soreness inside the mouth.

• Painful burning sensation.

• Sores have a yellowish-white border and are surrounded by a red area.

• Swollen lymph nodes.

• Fever.

• General discomfort or uneasiness

Classification of Aphthous ulcer?

• Recurrent minor aphthous ulcers: They are less than 5 mm in diameter and heal within 1-2 weeks.

• Major aphthous ulcers: They are larger than 10 mm and take a long time to heal, maybe weeks or months.

• Herpetiform Ulcers: These are multiple pinpoint ulcers. They commonly occur on the tongue and heal within a month

How would I know if I have an ulcer?

Painful sores inside the mouth, they can be single or multiple.
• Painful burning sensation.
• Sores have a yellowish-white border and are surrounded by a red area.
• Swollen lymph nodes.
• Fever.
• General discomfort or uneasiness.

What causes recurrent aphthous ulcers?

The cause of ulcer is unknown, but most theories involve an immune abnormality. Some blood diseases, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, allergies, trauma and Crohn’s disease cause similar ulcers.

What virus causes aphthous ulcers?

Viruses are the most common cause of mouth sores. Cold sores of the lip and ulcers on the palate caused by the herpes simplex virus.

How long does it take for a mouth ulcer to heal?

Canker sores may take 7 to 10 days. Minor canker sores heal completely in1 to 3 weeks, but mostly canker sores can take up to 6 weeks to heal.

Why are mouth ulcers painful?

Mouth ulcers can be painful, which can make it uncomfortable to eat, drink or brush your teeth.If mouth ulcer becomes more painful or red – this could be a sign of any bacterial infection, which may need treatment with antibiotics.

Is there any effect of changing lifestyle?

Some treatment options are explained below to help in the aphthous ulcer.

• Medicated toothpaste.

• Use local anesthetic

• Antibacterial mouthwashes reduce secondary infection.

• Avoid foods that aggravate the symptoms.

• Apply protective pastes that form a barrier over the ulcer to reduce exposure to irritating substances.

• Vitamins or mineral supplements.

• Try to avoid stress.

Diet for Aphthous Ulcer

Hard food can scrape the ulcer so soft food is advised to eat, like banana, porridge, peaches, well cooked food.
The bland diet is easy to consume as it will not cause any harm.
Warm food can cause burning pain in affected area, try cold things.

Homeopathic medicines:

• Aethusa cynapium

• Arsenicum album

• Baptisia tinctoria

• Antim crud

• Mercurius

• Nitric acid

• Borax

For more information, you can visit eMedicine and MayoClinic.


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