Dosage Indication

Homoeopathy realizes a special set of rules for dosing that set it apart from conventional medicines. The potency, quantity and form of drug as well as its repetitions are all parts of the homoeopathic dose. The goal of homoeopathic treatment is to eliminate symptoms rather than to induce them.  

Administration Of Homoeopathic Medicines


  • Age
  • Gender
  • Constitution and temperament
  • Habit and environment
  • Pathological conditions
  • Nature and intensity of disease
  • Seat of disease
  • Previous treatment of the disease
  • Genetic variability


  • Globules
  • Liquid
  • Capsules                                                      
  • Tablets

Our Medicinal Packs

We provide our medicines on a weekly, fortnight and monthly pack basis depending on the ailments and requirement of the patient. We also take into consideration if the patient is comfortable to frequently visit the clinic for follow up or not therefore offering the mentioned three packages.


This usually includes 1 PACK consisting of    

  • 2 bottles of globules
  • Liquid medicine
  • Doses


Doses:  On first day, patient has to start with the doses. Take 3 doses at hourly interval.

Globules: Next day onwards, take 2 globules from each bottle as prescribed.

Liquid: Take 10-15 drops in 1/4th of glass of water as prescribed.


This usually includes 1 pack consisting of

  • Liquid medicines
  • Dose


Instructions for 1 month pack

You have received a box of medicines containing a small vial or 3 paper doses and 3 liquid bottles marked as “M “, “A” & “N”

Start with the small vial marked as “Stat” which is to be divided into 3 parts and taken at an interval of 1 hour.

From the next day, start with the liquid bottles marked as “M”, “A”, & “N” respectively.

You have to take 10 drops from the bottle “M” in 1/4th glass of water in the morning.

Then 15 drops from the bottle marked as “A” in 1/4th glass of water in the afternoon.

Now, another bottle marked as “N”, 15 drops to be taken from this bottle in 1/4th glass of water at night.

Nothing is to be taken 10-15 minutes before and after the medicines

FAQ’S Regarding Dosage Indication

YES, you can take both allopathic and homoeopathic meds together as allopathic medicines do not interfere with the action of homoeopathic medicines. Though, the patient is only advised to take allopathic medicines if he is taking it for a long time, as it might aggravate the current health condition if stopped abruptly. As the condition improves with homoeopathic medicine, allopathic medicines are withdrawn gradually.

NO, Homoeopathic medicines are considered to be safe as they are made from natural sources. Some patients may experience slight worsening of their symptoms initially for a very short period which gets better as the treatment continues.

Since homeopathic medicine are absorbed through oral mucosa (sentinel nerves) and the medicines are mild as they are diluted therefore there is a possibility of alteration in action of the medicine due to any strong taste in the mouth.

Yes, you can order medicine through e-mail as well; post receiving your e-mail the doctor at our clinic will get in touch with you via call or whatsapp and after a proper case taking and your medicines will be delivered at your doorstep.

YES, it is completely safe for pregnant and lactating mother to consume homoeopathy. However, one must always consult a professional homoeopath and avoid self medication. Common complaints during pregnancy like nausea, vomiting, anemia, heartburn, constipation etc. can easily be tackled through homoeopathy.

NO, However, certain dietary modifications are advised depending upon the medical condition of the patient. For e.g. Patients suffering from diabetes is required to control their sugar consumption, similarly hypertensive patients are advised to keep their salt intake in check.

As, Homoeopathic medicines are made from natural substances; it doesn’t contain steroids. In Homoeopathy we don’t believe in suppressing the symptoms but in the complete cure of the patient.

Take 10-15 drops in 1/4th of glass of water as prescribed.

Do’s And Dont’s Of Medicine Administration

  • Maintain proper healthy diet and regimen.
  • Take your medicines regularly and follow your prescribed dosage.
  • Wait at least 5-10 minutes after consuming food before taking your homoeopathic medicines.
  • Inform your homoeopath before taking any new medications
  • Take required amount of water when consuming liquid medicine.
  • Avoid intake of tobacco and alcohol when consuming the homoeopathic medicines.
  • Avoid keeping your medicines in direct sunlight
  • Avoid self medication. Start the medicines only after detailed case taking by your homoeopath.
  • Avoid direct contact/contamination of the medicines
  • Don’t abruptly stop your current medication without consulting your physician.